Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Carbohydrates Diet Slim Faster Than Fat Diet

When trying to lose weight, you often confuse the choice to reduce the intake of carbohydrates or fats. According to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reducing carbohydrate intake is more effective to trigger weight loss. The study, presented by researchers from Tulane University invites randomized 148 obese men and women without the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes to follow a low-carb diet or low-fat. After one year, the participants who followed a low carbohydrate diet lost 3.5 kg more weight than those who reduce fat. Plus, fat mass, and risk diminishing kardivaskular.

But the low-carb diet does not mean cutting depleted carbohydrate intake you need. Because carbohydrates are needed by the body. According to this study, the researchers suggested to participants to reduce carbohydrate intake by 40 grams of a number of commonly eaten.

Reducing carbohydrates can be done by considering kandunga amount of calories contained in food packaging labels. If it is the amount of excess carbohydrates, you can reduce it by the amount needed. In addition, an easier way to find out how many carbohydrates needed is to look at the source of carbohydrates that you consume. The key is to be careful in choosing the source karbohidra.

If the source of carbohydrates you get from fruits and vegetables compared with rice, potatoes, or wheat, then the weight loss along with an increase in cardiovascular health will be obtained faster.

In addition, this study also showed that the fat can also help with weight loss. Not just people doing a low carbohydrate diet are able to lose weight. Both are known as a way to reduce risk factors for heart disease and blood pressure problems.